
Evrim Acar Ataman

Extracting Insights from Complex Data using (Coupled) Tensor Factorizations

G. Rozhnova

Controlling COVID-19 with Vaccination: Lessons Learned and Open Questions

Christina Cobbold

The role of individuals and their traits in determining the impacts of environmental change: from blowflies to mosquitoes

Mustafa Khammash

Designing Robust Biomolecular Control Systems for Perfect Adaptation

Ivana Bozic

Quantifying the evolutionary dynamics of cancer

Patricia Reynaud-Bouret

Hawkes processes and other variants to understand functional connectivity in the Brain

Prize session

ERC presentation

Presentation about European Research Council funding opportunities, given by Konstatinta Topouridou, and shared experience of several ERC grantees, with final Q&A session.

Anna Marciniak-Czochra

Evolution of heterogeneous cellular systems: Mechanistic mathematical modelling to uncover the dynamics of developmental cell hierarchies in regeneration and cancer.